Va rugam sa alegeti o data de CheckIn si CheckOut pentru a vedea preturile. ActivTours | Vacante. Experiente. Amintiri


RO Piscina exterioara este in renovare tot anul 2020 Seniori activi 7, 10 si 12 nopti check-in in orice zi.
Tarifele aferente pachetelor de tratament sunt valabile doar pentru turistii asigurati, care au obligatia de a prezenta la receptie urmatoarele documente: • biletul de trimitere* pentru servicii medicale in sistemul asigurarilor sociale de sanatate romanesc, cu precizarea numarului de contract cu C.A.S. • cardul de sanatate - activ * In baza biletului de trimitere se acorda: 1 consultatie medicala si 2 proceduri de tratament/zi, a treia procedura fiind inclusa in valoarea pachetului, in functie de tipul de pachet ales. 2. Pentru turistii care NU prezinta biletul de trimitere, se va acorda o singura procedura de tratament/zi (exceptie sambata, duminica si sarbatori legale) – conform tipului de pachet ales, dar numai in conditiile achitarii taxei de consultatie** in valoare de 50 Lei. In cazul in care turistii nu doresc achitarea taxei de consultatie, nu se va putea efectua nicio procedura de tratament, pachetul neputand fi modificat. **Taxa de consultatie se va achita la receptia hotelului! / EN The outdoor pool is closed for renovation during the entire 2020 season. Active seniors package 7, 10 and 12 nights with check-in any day. Half board buffet (breakfast and dinner). The rates related to the treatment packages are valid only for the insured tourists, who have the obligation to present at the reception the following documents: • referral ticket * for medical services in the Romanian social health insurance system, specifying the contract number with C.A.S. • health card - active * Based on the referral ticket, the following are provided: 1 medical consultation and 2 treatment procedures / day, the third procedure being included in the value of the package, depending on the type of package chosen. 2. For tourists who do NOT present the referral ticket, only one treatment procedure / day will be provided(except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) - according to the type of package chosen (the consultation fee ** is mandatory to be paid - 50 Lei) ** The consultation fee will be paid at the hotel reception!
Descriere facilitati:
RO Baza de tratament asigura tratamente complexe pentru: afectiuni reumatismale inflamatorii (poliartrita reumatoida, spondilita anchilozanta); afectiuni reumatismale degenerative (spondiloza cervicala, dorsala si lombara, artroze, poliartroze); afectiuni reumatismale abarticulare; afectiuni posttraumatice; afectiuni neurologice centrale si periferice; afectiuni ginecologice; afectiuni asociate ( boli metabolice si de nutritie, boli endocrine). Proceduri si tratamente: bai cu apa minerala in cazi si bazine, cu posibilitati de kinetoterapie; aplicatii calde cu namol; tratamente ginecologice cu ape minerale termale si cu namol cald; buvete pentru cura interna cu apa minerala; electro si hidroterapie; aerosoli si inhalatii; bazin in aer liber cu apa minerala termala; sali de gimnastica medicala; masaj medical; sauna. Tratamentele sunt efectuate de personal medical specializat. Turistii trebuie sa prezinte la hotel dovada de asigurat ( adeverinta de la locul de munca sau cupon de pensie) si bilet de trimitere tip pentru servicii medicale in sistemul asigurarilor sociale de sanatate. In caz contrar, serviciile de tratament vor fi incasate la tarif pentru turist neasigurat iar turistul va fi obligat sa achite diferenta la receptie. Agrement/Sport în staţiune: teren sintetic minifotbal, bazine şi piscine cu apă termală, călărie, biliard, tenis de masă, ATV-uri, discotecă. Recomandat pentru: tratament balnear; odihnă; cantonamente sportivi; consfătuiri; evenimente festive. In cazul in care turistii nu prezinta biletul de trimitere, pentru tarifele cu tratament inclus, se va plati un supliment de 20 lei /zi (pentru fiecare zi de tratament a sejurului). / EN The treatment base provides complex treatments for: inflammatory rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis); degenerative rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal and lumbar spondylosis, osteoarthritis, polyarthrosis); abarticular rheumatic diseases; post-traumatic illness; central and peripheral neurological disorders; gynecological diseases; associated diseases (metabolic and nutritional diseases, endocrine diseases). Procedures and treatments: mineral water baths in baths and pools, with the possibility of physiotherapy; hot mud applications; gynecological treatments with thermal mineral waters and hot mud; trinkets for internal cure with mineral water; electro and hydrotherapy; aerosols and inhalations; outdoor pool with thermal mineral water; medical gyms; medical massage; sauna. The treatments are performed by specialized medical staff. Tourists must present a proof of insurance (certificate from work or pension coupon) and a standard referral ticket for medical services in the social health insurance system. Otherwise, the treatment services will be charged at the rate for the uninsured tourists and an extra payment will be charged on the spot. Recreation / Sports in the resort: synthetic mini-football field, swimming pools and pools with thermal water, horse riding, billiards, table tennis, ATVs, disco. Recommended for: spa treatment; rest; cantonment sports; conferences; festive events. If the tourists do not present the referral ticket, a supplement of 20 lei / day will be paid (for each day of treatment of the stay).
RO Animalele de companie nu sunt acceptate. Standul Muncel este deschis zilnic de la ora 08.00 pana la ora 18.00. Accesul se achita la fata locului. / EN Pets are not allowed. The Muncel strand is open daily from 08.00 to 18.00. Access is paid on the spot.
Servicii masa:
RO Masa se va servii in regim restaurant pe terasa. Vor fi mai multe variante de meniu la alegere. / EN Menu options to choose from.