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Descriere facilitati:
RO Servicii gratuite: trezirea turistilor, secretariat (fax, fotocopiere). Servicii suplimentare contra cost: spalatorie, excursii, drumetii. Tratament: boli ale aparatului locomotor, boli ale sistemului nervos periferic, boli de piele, intoxicatii cu plumb si alte metale grele, boli ale aparatului respirator, afectiuni ginecologice, boli ale tubului digestiv si glandelor anexe, boli de nutritie, unele boli ale rinichilor si cailor urinare. Baza de tratament a hotelului include sectorul de fizio-electroterapie si sectorul de hidroterapie, cu urmatoarele proceduri terapeutice: electroterapie-ultrasunete, ultrascurte, curenti diadinamici, interferentiali, nemectron, magnetodiaflux, masaje, aerosoli, hidroterapie - kinetoterapie, bai cu sulf, bai termo-saline, bai cu plante, bai galvanice, dus subacval, acupunctura. Turistii vor achita la receptia hotelului taxa de statiune. Turistii trebuie sa prezinte la hotel dovada de asigurat (adeverinta de la locul de munca sau cupon de pensie) si bilet de trimitere tip pentru servicii medicale in sistemul asigurarilor sociale de sanatate. In caz contrar, serviciile de tratament vor fi incasate la tarif maxim iar turistul va fi obligat sa achite diferenta. / EN Free services: wake-up calls, secretariat (fax, photocopying). Additional services for a fee: laundry, excursions, hiking. Treatment: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, skin diseases, lead poisoning and other heavy metals, diseases of the respiratory system, gynecological diseases, diseases of the digestive tract and adnexal glands, nutritional diseases, some kidney diseases and urinary tract. The treatment base of the hotel includes the physiotherapy-electrotherapy sector and the hydrotherapy sector, with the following therapeutic procedures: electrotherapy-ultrasound, ultrashort, diadynamic currents, interference, nemectron, magnetodiaflux, massages, aerosols, hydrotherapy - kinetotherapy, sulfur baths, thermo baths -salines, herbal baths, galvanic baths, underwater shower, acupuncture. The resort tax has to be paid at the hotel reception. Tourists must present a proof of insurance (certificate from work or pension coupon) and a standard referral ticket for medical services in the social health insurance system. Otherwise, the treatment services will be charged at the rate for the uninsured tourists and an extra payment will be charged on the spot.
Atractii turistice:
RO Statuia lui Hercule din bronz, Baile Imperiale Romane, Baile Imperiale Austriece, gara Baile Herculane, cazinoul, Cheile Cernei (relief carstic), orasul Drobeta Turnu Severin, excursie cu vaporul pe Dunare, manastirea Tismana, pestera Closani, Cheile Tesnei, trasee pentru alpinism, Parcul Natural Domogled, Palatul Coronini, Grota cu aburi, Sapte Izvoare, Grota Haiducilor, ruinele Castrului Roman Drobeta, ruinele Cetatii Sarmisegetuza, Muzeul Nicolae Cena, Peştera Hoţilor, Cascada Cociu. / EN Bronze statue of Hercules, Roman Imperial Baths, Austrian Imperial Baths, Baile Herculane train station, the Casino, Cernei Gorges (karst relief), Drobeta Turnu Severin town, boat trip on the Danube, Tismana monastery, Closani cave, Tesnei Gorges, climbing routes , Domogled Natural Park, Coronini Palace, Steam Cave, Seven Springs, Outlaws Cave, Roman Drobeta Camp ruins, Sarmisegetuza Fortress ruins, Nicolae Cena Museum, Thieves Cave, Cociu Waterfall.
Micul dejun este in sistem room service,pranzul si cina se servesc in terasa hotelului, La baza de tratament si la baile de sulf procedurile se fac in functie de programare,cate 2 persoane intra la bai sau baza de tratament dupa care se dezinfecteaza si intra alte 2 persoane. Se ia temperatura atata la sosire cat si in fiecare zi cand se merge la tratament, turistii vor folosi masti in spatiile inchise, au fost montate dispensere cu dezinfectant, covorase si tot ce este nevoie Piscina de agrement inca nu este deschisa. /
Servicii masa:
RO se acorda in unitatea restaurant Ferdinand, categoria I. / EN provided at Ferdinand Restaurant, I category.